Coconut Facts


It has been used for thousands of years in ancient India as a healing fruit.

It takes around 9 months for a coconut to filter all of the water that it contains. This makes the water completely pure & sterile, which is why it can be used for blood transfusions.

It has the highest concentration of electrolytes of anything found in nature.

Younger coconuts contain the purest unsaturated fats and are better than mature coconuts.

It boots the immune system, boosts metabolism, and improves thyroud function.

It makes a great topical oil(use a TINY bit – it goes a long way!) that can help to naturally rid the skin of dangerous toxins. It also gives the skin the perfect mix of hydration and antioxidants that it needs to stay healthy, smooth and younger-looking longer.

Eight ounces of coconut water has 46 calories, 9 grams of carbohydrates, 250 mg of sodium, 200-500 mg of potassium, 60 mg of magnesium, 45 mg of phosphorus, and 2 grams of protein. The electrolyte content is more than double that of traditional sports drinks with about half of the carbohydrates. (Potassium is an essential macromineral in human nutrition; it is the major cation (positive ion) inside cells, and it is important in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.)

According to researchers, individuals with high blood pressure usually have low potassium levels. Therefore, drinking coconut water on a regular basis can be quite effective at regulating blood pressure.

Coconut milk (made from the meat of the coconut) has 500-600 calories, and coconut water(liquid inside) contains about 50 calories.

A few studies have shown coconut water to have cytokinins which are beneficial for anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic and anti-thrombotic effects. The American Institute for Cancer Research says that some of the compounds in coconut water, such as selenium, have antioxidant properties and fight cancer in the lab(many common fruits and vegetables are packed with these compounds). Several animal studies suggest coconut water can lower cholesterol and blood pressure, but this research is too preliminary to make any claims  yet.

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