Daily treatment with n−3 fatty acids(Omega 3/Fish Oil) did not reduce cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. For the study, over 6,000 subjects were given the n-3. Read the entire article here.
Day: May 17, 2013
New study: Drinking cola and diet cola leads to Metabolic disturbances & ASVD
ASVD: Atherosclerosis (arteriosclerotic vascular disease – when artery walls thicken as a result of the accumulation of fatty materials such as cholesterol and triglyceride) A new 8-week study on mice showed…
Most Poisonous Plants to Humans & Pets
Cicuta Douglasii: Western Water Hemlock The toxins are concentrated in the chambered rootstock but also occur in the leaves and stems as well. A consumption of 0.1% of body weight…
Earlobe crease? Could be Cardio Vascular Disease or Metabolic Syndrome
Ear Lobe Crease (aka: ELC) Linear wrinkles in one or both lobes may predict future cardiovascular events (heart attack, bypass surgery, or cardiac death.) A crease on one lobe raises…
Small yellow bumps under the skin around your eye? Could be heart trouble!
People that have xanthelasmata(cholesterol deposits on the eyelids) are at significant increased risk of heart attacks, ischemic heart disease, and death. After reviewing almost 13,000 patient files, researchers found that…