Move like a caveman

Run, crawl, squat, climb, jump, swing, lift, carry, chase, swim….  

50 Bodyweight Exercises – No gym, no problem!

Full Body       1. Inchworm: Stand up tall with the legs straight, and do like Lil’ Jon and let those fingertips hit the floor. Keeping the legs straight (but…

Remedy for gray hair & baldness

Onion juice Research has found that grey hair is primarily caused by a buildup of hydrogen peroxide at the root of hair follicles and that this is due in great…

Foods that fight cancer

Garlic – Garlic belongs to the family of vegetables called Allium, which includes onions, scallions, leeks and chives. Laboratory research has shown that one garlic component, called diallyl disulfide, exerts potent preventive…

Artificial Food Coloring – Toxic to humans

BLUE1 Used in beverages, candy, & baked goods. Testing showed a small cancer risk, might affect neurons, and also causes occasional allergic reactions. BLUE 2 Used in pet food, beverages, &…