Mesolithic hunter-gatherers eating a meat, grain-free diet had much healthier mouths than we have – almost no cavities or gum disease

Mesolithic hunter-gatherers living on a meat-dominated, grain-free diet had much healthier mouths that we have today — with almost no cavities and gum disease-associated bacteria, a genetic study of ancient…

Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet

“There is a cancer treatment that is free, has virtually no side effects, and can be used in conjunction with other cancer treatments. It involves cutting out carbohydrates, beginning with…

What is Vitamin H?

  Vitamin H is also known as Biotin. Sources of vitamin H include: almonds, peanuts, pecans, walnuts, cauliflower, bananas, organ meat, & egg yolk.  Raw egg whites contain a protein…

World’s Greatest Stretch

 The “World’s Greatest Stretch” is a series of stretches that target all of the major muscle groups surrounding the hips. Adequately named, these stretches are simple yet extremely effective. CLICK…

Say NO to SOY! Disruptive to female reproductive functions, lowers testosterone in males, effects unborn babies….

Soy, Isoflavones, Soybean, Tofu = Genistein Isoflavones, such as genistein and daidzein, are found in a number of plants including lupin, fava beans, soybeans, kudzu, and psoralea being the primary food source, also…